House fire in the 10300 block of Old Annapolis Rd
By Captain Craig Moore
November 12, 2015

At 14:51 hrs. Co.24 & 11 were dispatched for Box alarm 17 in the 10300 block Old Annapolis Rd. C15-3 arrived on scene with fire showing on side A and assumed command, E172 soon arrived on scene and the crews from E172 pulled a 1”3/4 line and begin attack on the fire all other units arrived on scene and took their assigned positions. Soon after command advised ECC to start the RIT and tanker task force due to non-hydrant area. ET114 arrived on scene and began to help E23 set up water supply. Q11 arrived on scene and began laddering the roof and making trench cuts for venting. RS24 arrived on scene and set up for cascade system to fill bottles. The tankers arrived on scene to supply water. Fire was then extinguished and some Units remained on scene for extended amount of time to help clean up and overhaul. Then units went in service as ready and command was terminated.

Units: RS24,A249,ET114,Q11,A248
Mutual Aid: E23,E172,RE171,E152,E161,TR41,T17,T1,T9,BAT900,SFT900,D3,E34,RE153,M17,E331,ET134