Smoke In Sheetz
By Captain Kyle Moore
April 9, 2015

At 23:32hrs. Frederick ECC alerted Co.11 & Co.24 and surrounding companies for a building fire at Sheetz on Woodsboro Pike. C11-1 arrived on scene with smoke in the building. E111 arrived on scene and layer out and stretched a 1"3/4 line in place. E23 arrived on scene and picked up the line and took place at the hydrant. Q11 arrived on scene and took first due truck assignment. A247 arrived on scene and setup EMS. RS24 arrived on scene and helped Q11 crew. E111 and E23 crew investigated. As other companies arrived they staged. After further investigation, it was found that one of the coolers compressor was blown and was causing the smoke. At 00:15hrs C11-1 placed the box assignment in service and units cleared when ready.

Units: A247, RS24, C24, E111, Q-11, C11-1
Mutual Aid: E23, E31, E501, RE11, T41, BC900, SFT900